2017… thoughts on curiosity and discovery

Posted on: January 1, 2017, by :
An amazing paragraph on curiosity and discovery

As a child, I used to lament that I was born in an era when much of the world had already been “discovered.” All the continents had been mapped. There were no foreign lands to set foot on for the first time.

As an adult, I have found that it is taking the curious approach of an amateur that leads to new discoveries; and that expertise at best is a temporary snapshot in time- at its worst a fallacy.

It is in this spirit that I plan to continue my journey into 2017. In 2016, I ran every single day. According to FitBit, this distance was the same as trekking across the Sahara Desert (2983 miles). I will again run every single day in 2017, but I have a few other personal goals. They are:

  1. Be more present at home (both quality and quantity of time)
  2. Drink less
  3. Write more

Cheers and watch this space!

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